Everything is a perspective, not the truth.

From conception of human life we gain concept, in other words knowledge. Knowledge fed by words. Concept formed by thoughts. These thoughts together form actions, which forms an attitude with a personality and we become a person. We accept ourselves as that person.

When there was birth, I didn't know anything. I knew nothing. So I was nothing. No-thing.

I did not know anything about myself. Until they named me. I did not know what to identify my name with, then I found they referred my name to my body. I didn't belong to anyone, until they said I was born to them. I didn't know where I live, they called it the world. I didn't not what to do, so they sent to me to school.

In school, I learnt the history of the world. I learnt everything of humanity. And everything I represent today, all I have collected altogether is a whole lot of concepts. Concept about myself, you, other, time, space and existence. When I could not understand anything, I listened to others. Now, when I cannot understand myself, I look within. But then all I find: a lot of concept. That I was born, I am this-and-this, with this responsibility, with these attachments. But who am I underneath the concepts. Who was I before the world told me who I am?

In Sanskrit, we have a term called Maya, which the Hindu call 'illusion'. What illusion actually is for the human mind is concept. Everything whatever is based on concept is illusion. Let this get clear with the analogy of a person.

You are a person. You have certain concept(gained thoughts) about yourself and you treat yourself such. You have friends, they have a concept of you and behave accordingly. You have your parents. They have certain concept of you. You have a girlfriend/boyfriend, who have certain concept about you. Now with concept rises expectations. Your friends have certain expectations and behavior against you. You parents will not have the same expectation and behavior as will your girlfriend/boyfriend. They all will have different ideas and expectations about you. But the person is same. You are the same person but with different concept in everybody's mind.

Another example:
We have a concept of God, a Hindu see an image of Krishna or Rama or pass through a temple, they immediately bow down or make a religious gesture. But a Muslim or Christian will not prefer to. Because they cannot relate with concept they have been fed by their own religion. Hindu treat cow as divine holy animal, but others do not. Thing is Hindu just have a holy concept about the animal.

Concept plays part in every part and parcel of our life dominated by the mind. You will see everything as is your concept. Your every perspective will be based on your concept.

Now what knowledge or concept do you gain by reading all this?
That everything is a perspective(concept). Not the truth. If it is so.
How does one know the truth then?

The way to truth is to discard the false. You cannot get a bright light from a dirty window in a dark room. You have to remove the dust on the window. The dust are the false ideas, false beliefs and false concepts. The window is your mind. The false makes you suffer, bogs down the mind and your life. One of the saddest outcome: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle(concepts) has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken.

So, start negating the concepts you have received. They said you: you-are-the-body, try you are not the body.  They said your name is so-and-so, try to be unnamed. They said you belong-here. Try to be alone. They say you are weak and dependent. Try being strong and independent. Find out who you were before they told you who you are. What exists, before you knew it about it.

Either you can spend time to clean the window to get light. Or better open it. Let the whole of light come into your room. Have an open mind so you can just see the naked truth, no more perspective.

You are left with no concept about anything at all.

Then the only statement you can make about everything is: nothing.

Now where is the truth to find?

You are.

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